Saturday, October 19, 2013

REPOST: Toronto paying millions in lawsuit claims

This online article talks about the different civil lawsuits faced by the City of Toronto over the years, with "slipping and falling on public property" as one of the biggest categories. Read more:

The City of Toronto has spent more than $200 million to settle civil lawsuits since 2000, and the payouts are getting richer, a municipal database obtained by the Star shows.
Litigants range from people alleging they were struck by golf balls to prisoners claiming they were assaulted in police custody.
The largest payment, for $4,454,909.69, stems from a 2001 incident in which a lifeguard was alleged to be at fault. The city did not release details of the case, or of any of the 3,062 settlements contained in the database. Many of the cases are covered by confidentiality agreements.
Almost one in four of the total tally — 773 — were related to road and sidewalk maintenance. Those settlements totaled $32,458,390.50.
The city’s response to inclement weather accounted for 640 lawsuits. On incident involving an icy driveway cost the city $439,345.74.
Police activity has resulted in at least 256 settlements, worth more than $27 million. That includes dozens of cases of use of force, false arrest and negligent investigation.
The city “self-insures” for all claims under $5 million — meaning it pays the claims with city money — and maintains a reserve fund to cover claims. The city buys insurance coverage to handle claims worth more than $5 million. Any claims that large would not show on the database.
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Shelley Carroll, who served as city budget chief from 2006 to 2010, said poor city services were partly to blame for the number of settlements.
“We’ve privatized the repair of the sidewalks that people are going to trip on,” she said.
“At a certain point do we have to ask ourselves: do we want prettier sidewalks … do we want to pay it out in the settlement — or fund it properly in the first place?”
Carroll added that the total cost of the settlements didn’t seem high.
“Two hundred million over the time span you’re looking at is not unreasonable … By and large we have reasonable lawsuits. We don’t have a nutty, litigious society like the United States.”
The number of settlements per year has not being growing — in fact, it has declined slightly — but the likelihood of getting a large settlement has increased. All five of the years with the highest average settlement have come since 2007. That includes three years — 2008, 2011, and 2012 — with an average settlement greater than $100,000. (The average for the past fourteen years, including so far in 2013, is just over $60,000.)
But Carroll said it wouldn’t be worthwhile to try to curb the amount paid in settlements.
“It’s kind of a mug’s game to set a dollar amount, because when you pay a big settlement for a good reason, it goes out the window.”
The database, which the Star obtained through a Freedom of Information request, shows the reasons the city pays out settlements in civil cases.
  • Slipping and falling is more likely to land you a settlement than tripping and falling: slips have resulted in 140 settlements, costing the city $5,230,771.35; trips have resulted in 107 settlements worth $4,657,259.75.
  • Beware the trees: arboreal misadventures are to blame for 57 settlements costing about $1.5 million. That includes 21 for trees that caused bodily injury and 36 for trees that caused property damage, though the portion of data obtained by the Star does not include descriptions of the incidents.
  • The city has paid settlements in 33 cases of discrimination leading to personal injury, amounting to $1,833,575.88.
  • The city has also settled 22 human rights complaints, including two for more than $200,000.
  • City vehicles, meanwhile, seem to engage in their fair share of bad driving, having led to 186 settlements worth almost $22 million, including 35 incidents of pedestrians being struck by city vehicles.
  • It isn’t clear what kinds of city vehicles have been involved in the collisions — whether police cars, snow plows, or TTC buses and streetcars. But the 24 settlements caused by a city vehicle entering intersections against the light suggests fire trucks and ambulances, which often run red lights.
  • The city has made 20 payouts over $1 million since 2000. 414 settlements were for six figures or more.
  • More than half of the money paid by the city in settlements is for “bodily injury”: $112,394,033.06 out of a total $202,350,522.41
  • In 2005, someone recouped a $25,000 bodily injury settlement from the city after being hit with a golf ball.
  • A 2002 sewer backup won the claimant more than $2.5 million for lost property alone. (It’s one of 92 settlements for sewer backups, totaling $6,365,371.98).
  • Legal costs also eat up a large proportion of the city’s settlement budget: more than $57,000,000 since 2000, or more than a quarter of the total cost of settling civil lawsuits incurred by the city in that time.
  • In 88 cases, the city had legal expenses in the six figures.

  • ***
    More updates on the legal sector can be read on this Evan Granowitz Facebook page

    Tuesday, October 8, 2013

    REPOST: After Fraud, Regulators Go After a Bank

    This New York Times article talks about the government action against TD Bank, who brought in connection with a customer's Ponzi scheme.

    You can’t run a Ponzi scheme without a bank.

    In such a scheme, money that is supposed to be invested is really used to line the pockets of the Ponzi promoter or to pay previous investors. A lot of money has to flow through bank accounts, and it flows in ways that differ from what the promoter tells investors is happening. Banks are in a unique position to notice what is going on before the money is all gone.

    But it is extremely rare for a bank to face sanctions for not noticing.

    The typical judicial attitude was expressed last year when the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld the dismissal — before a trial or any discovery of evidence — of a class-action suit against Bank of America by investors who had lost money in a pyramid scheme run by a promoter named Beau Diamond.

    Even assuming that the plaintiffs could prove that Mr. Diamond “engaged in atypical business transactions, such as numerous wire transfers unrelated to any legitimate business activity,” the appellate court ruled, that would not be enough. The allegations in the suit were insufficient to render “plausible” a conclusion that the bank had “actual knowledge” of what Mr. Diamond was doing, so there was no need for a trial.

    See no evil, face no liability.

    That is why a joint regulatory action filed last week by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a part of the Treasury Department, seems so noteworthy. TD Bank, an American subsidiary of Canada’s large Toronto-Dominion Bank, agreed to pay $52.5 million to settle accusations that it had helped a Florida lawyer named Scott W. Rothstein commit one of the more brazen Ponzi schemes of recent years.

    It is not clear, however, whether this represents a new attitude on the part of regulators to try to force banks to pay attention to possible Ponzi schemes — just as the Patriot Act requires them to monitor possible terrorist financing — or whether it is an isolated response to a particularly egregious case. Certainly the regulators had evidence, much of it provided by Mr. Rothstein in an effort to minimize his sentence, suggesting that one or more bank employees knew they were helping him deceive investors.

    If regulators do not go after banks, the banks are usually home free. Some bankruptcy trustees for collapsed Ponzi schemes have tried to sue banks to recover money for defrauded investors only to have judges rule that because the trustee is standing in the shoes of the fraudster, such suits are not permitted. But when investors try to sue the banks, they can run up against rules limiting class-action suits and a Supreme Court decision saying that only the government — not victims — can bring suits contending that a bank, or anyone else, aided and abetted a fraud.

    The Rothstein Ponzi scheme was created by a lawyer who had burst onto the Fort Lauderdale scene, living large and making highly publicized charitable donations. His firm, Rothstein, Rosenfeldt & Adler, employed 70 lawyers. He was vice chairman of a Florida Bar Association grievance committee that heard ethics complaints against lawyers. He was named to a committee to advise on state judicial appointments.

    And he put together a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme, according to the federal charges to which he pleaded guilty.

    His scheme involved persuading investors to put money into “structured settlements.” Supposedly, these were settlements of cases that involved complaints like sexual harassment. The companies, he explained, had agreed to pay money over time to his clients in return for their silence. Those clients would sell the right to the payments in return for an upfront payment from the investor. He assured the investor that all the money had in fact been paid into escrow accounts he administered.

    He spread the profits of the Ponzi scheme around, according to the federal charges, using money to “provide gratuities to high-ranking members of police agencies in order to curry favors with such police personnel and to deflect law enforcement scrutiny.” Political contributions were made with the money “in a manner designed to conceal the true source of such funds and to circumvent state and federal laws governing the limitations and contribution of such funds.” He sponsored fund-raisers for, among others, Gov. Charlie Crist, Senator John McCain and President George W. Bush.

    For their first wedding anniversary, in 2009, he and his wife, Kimberly, attended an Eagles concert, where Don Henley dedicated a song, “Life in the Fast Lane,” to them. That cost him a $100,000 charitable contribution.

    He kept a lot of the money for himself. After he was arrested, the government seized his car collection, which included four Mercedeses, three Ferraris, three Corvettes, two Rolls-Royces, one BMW, one Bentley, one Hummer, one Cadillac, one Bugatti, one Maserati, one Lamborghini and one Ford.

    And he couldn’t have done it without the help of his bank.

    At the time the Ponzi scheme began, he was using a small bank, Gibraltar Private Bank and Trust. He later testified that he had “protection” from officers at that bank but that he was upset by the “amount of scrutiny we were getting from certain due diligence folks” at the bank’s headquarters. And as he began to persuade large investors, including hedge funds, to invest, some of them wanted him to use a larger bank to protect themselves from a possible bank failure while the bank held the money.

    So he moved to Commerce Bank, which was later acquired by Toronto-Dominion. The Canadian bank kept Commerce’s slogan, “America’s most convenient bank.” Its systems generated warnings of suspicious activity, but the bank ignored them, thanks to an extremely cooperative bank officer, Frank A. Spinosa.

    According to an S.E.C. suit filed against him last week, Mr. Spinosa falsely assured investors that only they could get money from accounts that he said held millions.

    Mr. Spinosa’s lawyer, Samuel J. Rabin Jr., says his client “did not know about the fraudulent conduct perpetrated by Scott Rothstein” and “never purposefully acted in any way to advance Scott Rothstein’s many schemes.” In an interview, he painted his client as a salesman who did favors for an important customer who promised to introduce him to other people who could become big customers of the bank.

    TD Bank initially disclaimed any responsibility, and it bitterly fought a suit filed by Coquina Investments, which lost more than $30 million in the scheme. The bank is appealing a jury verdict that ordered it to pay Coquina $67 million in damages, including $35 million in punitive damages. Mr. Spinosa cited his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in refusing to testify in that case.

    It later turned out that lawyers for TD had withheld evidence in the case and misled the judge in a number of instances. As punishment, the judge ordered the bank to pay Coquina’s legal fees.

    The bank has since settled other cases filed by victims. Altogether, the mess has cost it $500 million, according to a report in The South Florida Business Journal, although the bank declined to confirm the figure. As a result of the bank’s payments, said Jordan Maglich, a Florida lawyer whose blog,, follows such cases, “This is the first time I can recall that victims are getting 100 percent of their money.”

    Mr. Rothstein is serving a 50-year prison sentence, and eight others have been sentenced to prison terms. Other cases are pending and Mrs. Rothstein will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty to charges she tried to hide $1 million worth of jewelry, including a 12-carat diamond ring, from federal marshals seizing her husband’s assets. She is expected to receive a prison sentence.

    TD Bank says it has improved its procedures, which certainly seems appropriate. Perhaps, even if this case does not herald a wider crackdown by authorities, it will persuade other banks that ignoring signs of a Ponzi scheme is no longer a safe thing to do.

    More legal updates may be found at this Evan Granowitz Facebook page.

    Friday, October 4, 2013

    Employee lawsuits: Handle with care

    For many small businesses owners, the fastest way to deal with employee lawsuits is to settle. Giving in to the demands of the aggrieved party is seen as less of a problem than having to deal with litigation, even if the company did not actually break any laws.

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    While many business owners may see legal hazards as a normal part of business, legal recourses are not the only way to handle matters related to employee complaints. Prevention is worth more than the cure and it is better for small companies to prevent issues from escalating to the point where court arbitration is necessary.

    Knowing that the truth is on the company’s side should give the business owner an edge in handling employee complaints and lawsuits. This can be achieved by making sure that the company has complied to the letter with all the requirements of state and federal governments.

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    Meanwhile, business owners should also ensure that all employee-related matters are handled with utmost care. Employees must know what is expected of them and they must also know when they are not meeting the company’s standards. While not required by law, small businesses can also document every instance of disciplinary action to help prove that termination, should it be the case, is justified.

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    Finally, how erring employees are treated at the moment of termination can affect how they react to the notice. Taking measures to ensure that the employees feel the process had been fair can reduce friction and make the separation possibly amicable.

    Atty. Evan Granowitz is one of the lawyers of the Wolf Group LA. Follow this Twitter account for more resources about business litigation.